Another Quick Update

20 03 2007

I’m now at 10 weeks.  Can’t believe it!  I’ve only thrown up twice, the second time being last night, unfortunately.  It’s weird that my sickness happens at night time, but at least I can usually make it through the day ok!  Hopefully soon all the sickness will be gone!

Otherwise, I’m still holding on.  Everything is still good.  I go to the OB for the first time on April 3, at which point, I’ll be 12 weeks.  Can’t believe it is so close to the end of the first trimester!



6 responses

20 03 2007
Geof F. Morris

😀 😀 😀

20 03 2007

I think it’s weird they call it “morning sickness” because most of everyone I know felt queezy at night too, including myself. Egh…who knows, right?
I’m sure you’ll be feeling better in no time.
Oh yah, and by the way , I had my baby on the 18th…just a few days ago! 🙂 She’s absolutely gorgeous…and I can’t believe I’m so incredibly in love with her! This pregnancy will fly by for you I’m sure. It seems like just yesterday I was 10 weeks along myself…

21 03 2007

Yeah, it is strange that it can happen in the morning, afternoon, night, or all day for some people. Every pregnancy is different with the symptoms. And yeah, everyone keeps telling me that soon it’ll be gone and I’ll feel great. Can’t wait for that period of time! 🙂

Congrats! I’m sure it will seem to go by quickly. It seems like I have so much time right now, but I’m sure it’ll be here before I know it.

22 03 2007

I met your doctor today and she is too, too hip.

22 03 2007

Awesome! I tried the seabands last night and they really helped! I made it through dinner just fine! 🙂 I still felt a little queasy driving home from dinner, but making it through and still feeling normal was a huge step!

22 03 2007

I’m so glad to hear that everything’s going well, except for the morning sickness. 🙂 My mind has really been wandering back to my three pregnant friends in Alabama lately. I hope that all of you stay well and I wish I was there!

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